Sharyn Peacocke is a journalist, copywriter and designer who has been writing professionally for almost 25 years. Since 1998 she has been running a web-based business, building websites and writing online copy for clients throughout Australia and overseas. She also uses the web to publish her own creative non-fiction - mainly essays, articles and interviews, including an experimental interactive piece highlighting the correlation between hypertext and abstract art. Originally from Sydney, Sharyn freelanced in the print and electronic media Australia-wide before moving to the Sunshine Coast hinterland in 2003. Follow the links below to sample her work.
OUT FROM DOWN UNDER: Almost before he could utter "Bonza, mate!" he'd found his niche, transmuting into a wisecracking Patersonesque bush poet, an Aussie balladeer with his heart in the Outback and a baritone as rich and authentic as the leather on his RM Williams boots. Read»»
NOT JUST ANOTHER TRAVEL TALE: Moving across Australia with a couple of spoilt felines was enough to stretch anyone's patience, especially when one is a shrieker and the other gets migraines. Read»»
NEW BUSINESS ON THE CARDS: Tarot cards are not just for the mystically inclined. They are used in some surprising ways, and gaining considerable legitimacy within mainstream business. Read»»
FAN FARE: There it was ... a message from Dobie Gillis himself. And if the name doesn't ring a bell then you're probably not a babyboomer and didn't grow up watching Australian or American TV. Read...
'STONED' - ABSTRACT IN HYPERTEXT: An interview with Australian abstract artist, Sharon Stone, forms the basis of this hypertext in which the complexity of the artist and her vibrant, decorative art is revealed in 'grabs' - the reader choosing how far to venture, how deep to dig. Read»»
HYPERTEXT & THE ENCODING OF MEANING: With its multifarious points of view and extraordinary array of narrative paths and voices, hypertext offers a liberating and provocative reading experience. But does it provide the ultimate in freedom of choice for readers to encode meaning? Read»»
LIKE WOW! LIKE WWW DOT FLASHBACK DOT COM: Destination cyberspace. Rewind to the '60s. A park bench. A cute teenager in a check shirt rapping with his good buddy Maynard G. Krebs. Chasing the unattainable Thalia Menninger. Dodging Zelda Gilroy. Read»»
SERIOUSLY COOL: The late Troy Donahue was "a Technicolor movie star," according to cult film director John Waters, but one who, said a close friend, "wore life like a loose garment" and refused to take himself too seriously. Read»»
WEALTH, WOODSTOCK & THE QUALITY OF LIFE: He slithers towards us, right hand outstretched, and I am reminded of our previous debacles with network sales: remnants of make-up kits monopolising our bathroom cabinet; plastic food containers cloning furtively in the dark under the kitchen sink. Read»»
For attractive, well designed, custom-built websites that really work, visit Sharyn's web services site at »»